English Meaning
To the inside of; within. It is used in a variety of applications.
- To the inside or interior of: went into the house.
- To the activity or occupation of: recent college graduates who go into banking.
- To the condition, state, or form of: dishes breaking into pieces; changed into a butterfly.
- So as to be in or be included in: parties entering into an agreement; wrote a new character into the play.
- Informal Interested in or involved with: They are into vegetarianism.
- To a point within the limits of a period of time or extent of space: well into the week.
- In the direction of; toward: looked into the distance; pointed into the sky.
- Against: crashed into a tree.
- As a divisor of: The number 3 goes into 9 three times.
Examples | ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ
The below examples are taken from The Holy Bible.
Genesis 6:18
But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark--you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you.
നിനàµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ‹ ഞാൻഒരൠനിയമം ചെയàµà´¯àµà´‚; നീയàµà´‚ നിൻറെ à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµà´‚ à´à´¾à´°àµà´¯à´¯àµà´‚ à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµà´Ÿàµ† à´à´¾à´°àµà´¯à´®à´¾à´°àµà´‚ പെടàµà´Ÿà´•à´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ à´•à´Ÿà´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´‚.
Proverbs 6:3
So do this, my son, and deliver yourself; For you have come into the hand of your friend: Go and humble yourself; Plead with your friend.
ആകയാൽ മകനേ, ഇതൠചെയàµà´•; നിനàµà´¨àµ†à´¤àµà´¤à´¨àµà´¨àµ‡ വിടàµà´µà´¿à´•àµà´•; കൂടàµà´Ÿàµà´•à´¾à´°à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´•à´¯àµà´¯à´¿àµ½ നീ à´…à´•à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´²àµà´²àµ‹; നീ ചെനàµà´¨àµ, താണàµà´µàµ€à´£àµ കൂടàµà´Ÿàµà´•à´¾à´°à´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´®àµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´šàµà´šà´ªàµ‡à´•àµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•.
John 21:7
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.
യേശൠസàµà´¨àµ‡à´¹à´¿à´šàµà´š ശിഷàµà´¯àµ» പതàµà´°àµŠà´¸à´¿à´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ: അതൠകർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പറഞàµà´žàµ; കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ശിമോൻ പതàµà´°àµŠà´¸àµ കേടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ, താൻ നഗàµà´¨à´¨à´¾à´•à´¯à´¾àµ½ à´…à´™àµà´•à´¿ അരയിൽ à´šàµà´±àµà´±à´¿ കടലിൽ ചാടി.
Isaiah 5:11
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, That they may follow intoxicating drink; Who continue until night, till wine inflames them!
അതികാലതàµà´¤àµ à´Žà´´àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´±àµà´±àµ മദàµà´¯à´‚ തേടി ഔടàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ വീഞàµà´žàµ à´•àµà´Ÿà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ മതàµà´¤à´°à´¾à´¯à´¿ സനàµà´§àµà´¯à´¾à´¸à´®à´¯à´¤àµà´¤àµ വൈകി ഇരികàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ à´…à´¯àµà´¯àµ‹ à´•à´·àµà´Ÿà´‚!
Daniel 6:16
So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you."
à´…à´™àµà´™à´¨àµ† രാജാവിൻ à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¨à´¯à´¾àµ½ അവർ ദാനീയേലിനെ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ സിംഹങàµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† à´—àµà´¹à´¯à´¿àµ½ ഇടàµà´Ÿàµà´•à´³à´žàµà´žàµ; രാജാവൠദാനീയേലിനോടൠസംസാരിചàµà´šàµ: നീ ഇടവിടാതെ സേവിചàµà´šàµà´µà´°àµà´¨àµà´¨ നിനàµà´±àµ† ദൈവം നിനàµà´¨àµ† à´°à´•àµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ.
Galatians 3:27
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¸àµà´¤àµà´µà´¿à´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ ചേരàµà´µà´¾àµ» à´¸àµà´¨à´¾à´¨à´‚ à´à´±àµà´±à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´Žà´²àµà´²à´¾à´µà´°àµà´‚ à´•àµà´°à´¿à´¸àµà´¤àµà´µà´¿à´¨àµ† ധരിചàµà´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Deuteronomy 2:1
"Then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness of the Way of the Red Sea, as the LORD spoke to me, and we skirted Mount Seir for many days.
അനനàµà´¤à´°à´‚ യഹോവ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šà´¤àµà´ªàµ‹à´²àµ† നാം തിരിഞàµà´žàµ ചെങàµà´•à´Ÿàµ½ വഴിയായി മരàµà´àµ‚മിയിലേകàµà´•àµ യാതàµà´°à´ªàµà´±à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ; നാം à´à´±à´¿à´¯à´¨à´¾àµ¾ സേയീർപർവàµà´µà´¤à´¤àµà´¤àµ† à´šàµà´±àµà´±à´¿à´¨à´Ÿà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Exodus 1:22
So Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, "Every son who is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive."
പിനàµà´¨àµ† ഫറവോൻ തനàµà´±àµ† സകലജനതàµà´¤àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´‚: ജനികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´à´¤àµ ആൺകàµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ നദിയിൽ ഇടàµà´Ÿàµà´•à´³à´¯àµ‡à´£à´®àµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ à´à´¤àµ പെൺകàµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¯àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ ജീവനോടെ à´°à´•àµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´®àµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ.
Mark 9:31
For He taught His disciples and said to them, "The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day."
അവൻ തനàµà´±àµ† ശിഷàµà´¯à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµ† പഠിപàµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ അവരോടàµ: മനàµà´·àµà´¯à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°àµ» മനàµà´·àµà´¯à´°àµà´Ÿàµ† à´•à´¯àµà´¯à´¿àµ½ à´à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´‚; അവർ അവനെ കൊലàµà´²àµà´‚; കൊനàµà´¨à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ മൂനàµà´¨àµ നാൾ à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´ž ശേഷം അവൻ ഉയിർതàµà´¤àµ†à´´àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´²à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പറഞàµà´žàµ.
Exodus 15:25
So he cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There He made a statute and an ordinance for them, and there He tested them,
അവൻ യഹോവയോടൠഅപേകàµà´·à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ; യഹോവ അവനàµà´¨àµ ഒരൠവൃകàµà´·à´‚ കാണിചàµà´šàµà´•àµŠà´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ. അവൻ അതൠവെളàµà´³à´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ ഇടàµà´Ÿà´ªàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ വെളàµà´³à´‚ മധàµà´°à´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ തീർനàµà´¨àµ. അവിടെവെചàµà´šàµ അവൻ അവർകàµà´•àµà´‚ ഒരൠചടàµà´Ÿà´µàµà´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´®à´¾à´£à´µàµà´‚ നിയമിചàµà´šàµ; അവിടെവെചàµà´šàµ അവൻ അവരെ പരീകàµà´·à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ:
John 11:30
Now Jesus had not yet come into the town, but was in the place where Martha met Him.
വീടàµà´Ÿà´¿àµ½ അവളോടàµà´•àµ‚ടെ ഇരàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ അവളെ ആശàµà´µà´¸à´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ യെഹൂദനàµà´®à´¾àµ¼, മറിയ വേഗം à´Žà´´àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´±àµà´±àµ പോകàµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ à´•à´£àµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ അവൾ à´•à´²àµà´²à´±àµ†à´•àµà´•àµ½ കരവാൻ പോകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ വിചാരിചàµà´šàµ പിൻ ചെനàµà´¨àµ.
Ezekiel 20:35
And I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples, and there I will plead My case with you face to face.
ഞാൻ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ† ജാതികളàµà´Ÿàµ† മരàµà´àµ‚മിയിലേകàµà´•àµ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´šàµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµ അവിടെവെചàµà´šàµ à´®àµà´–ാമàµà´–മായി നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´µàµà´¯à´µà´¹à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´‚.
Lamentations 5:15
The joy of our heart has ceased; Our dance has turned into mourning.
à´žà´™àµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† ഹൃദയസനàµà´¤àµ‡à´¾à´·à´‚ ഇലàµà´²à´¾à´¤àµ†à´¯à´¾à´¯à´¿; à´žà´™àµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† നൃതàµà´¤à´‚ വിലാപമായàµà´¤àµ€àµ¼à´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Genesis 43:24
So the man brought the men into Joseph's house and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their donkeys feed.
പിനàµà´¨àµ† അവൻ അവരെ യോസേഫിനàµà´±àµ† വീടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´¨àµà´¨à´•à´¤àµà´¤àµ കെണàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´¿; അവർകàµà´•àµà´‚ വെളàµà´³à´‚ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ, അവർ കാലàµà´•à´³àµ† à´•à´´àµà´•à´¿; അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† à´•à´´àµà´¤à´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ അവൻ തീൻ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ.
Nehemiah 13:9
Then I commanded them to cleanse the rooms; and I brought back into them the articles of the house of God, with the grain offering and the frankincense.
പിനàµà´¨àµ† ഞാൻ à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ അവർ à´† അറകളെ à´¶àµà´¦àµà´§àµ€à´•à´°à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ; ദൈവാലയതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ† ഉപകരണങàµà´™à´³àµà´‚ à´àµ‹à´œà´¨à´¯à´¾à´—à´µàµà´‚ à´•àµà´¨àµà´¤àµà´°àµà´•àµà´•à´µàµà´‚ ഞാൻ വീണàµà´Ÿàµà´‚ അവിടെ വരàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿.
1 Kings 8:6
Then the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD to its place, into the inner sanctuary of the temple, to the Most Holy Place, under the wings of the cherubim.
à´ªàµà´°àµ‹à´¹à´¿à´¤à´¨àµà´®à´¾àµ¼ യഹോവയàµà´Ÿàµ† നിയമപെടàµà´Ÿà´•à´‚ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´¸àµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ, ആലയതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ† à´…à´¨àµà´¤àµ¼à´®àµà´®à´¨àµà´¦à´¿à´°à´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ അതിവിശàµà´¦àµà´§à´¸àµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ, കെരൂബàµà´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† ചിറകിൻ കീഴെ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´šàµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµ വെചàµà´šàµ.
1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
തനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¨àµà´‚ നമàµà´®àµà´Ÿàµ† കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µà´¾à´¯ യേശàµà´•àµà´°à´¿à´¸àµà´¤àµà´µà´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† കൂടàµà´Ÿà´¾à´¯àµà´®à´¯à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ† വിളിചàµà´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ ദൈവം വിശàµà´µà´¸àµà´¤àµ» .
Micah 4:3
He shall judge between many peoples, And rebuke strong nations afar off; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.
അവൻ അനേകജാതികളàµà´Ÿàµ† ഇടയിൽ à´¨àµà´¯à´¾à´¯à´‚വിധികàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ബഹàµà´µà´‚ശങàµà´™àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ ദൂരതàµà´¤àµ‹à´³à´‚ വിധി à´•à´²àµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´‚; അവർ തങàµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† വാളàµà´•à´³àµ† കൊഴàµà´•àµà´•à´³à´¾à´¯àµà´‚ à´•àµà´¨àµà´¤à´™àµà´™à´³àµ† വാകàµà´•à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•à´³à´¾à´¯àµà´‚ à´…à´Ÿà´¿à´šàµà´šàµà´¤àµ€àµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚; ജാതി ജാതികàµà´•àµà´¨àµ‡à´°àµ† വാൾ ഔങàµà´™àµà´•à´¯à´¿à´²àµà´²; അവർ ഇനി à´¯àµà´¦àµà´§à´‚ à´…à´àµà´¯à´¸à´¿à´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´®à´¿à´²àµà´².
Micah 1:6
"Therefore I will make Samaria a heap of ruins in the field, Places for planting a vineyard; I will pour down her stones into the valley, And I will uncover her foundations.
യെരൂശലേം à´…à´²àµà´²à´¯àµ‹? à´…à´¤àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ ഞാൻ ശമർയàµà´¯à´¯àµ† വയലിലെ കലകàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµà´ªàµ‹à´²àµ†à´¯àµà´‚, à´®àµà´¨àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´¤àµà´¤àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ† നടàµà´¤à´²à´ªàµ‹à´²àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ ആകàµà´•àµà´‚; ഞാൻ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´•à´²àµà´²àµ താഴàµà´µà´°à´¯à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ തളàµà´³à´¿à´¯à´¿à´Ÿàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´…à´Ÿà´¿à´¸àµà´¥à´¾à´¨à´™àµà´™à´³àµ† അനാവൃതമാകàµà´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´‚.
Judges 19:23
But the man, the master of the house, went out to them and said to them, "No, my brethren! I beg you, do not act so wickedly! Seeing this man has come into my house, do not commit this outrage.
വീടàµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¯à´µà´¨à´¾à´¯ à´ªàµà´°àµà´·àµ» അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† à´…à´Ÿàµà´•àµà´•àµ½ à´ªàµà´±à´¤àµà´¤àµ ചെനàµà´¨àµ അവരോടàµ: à´…à´°àµà´¤àµ‡, à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† സഹോദരനàµà´®à´¾à´°àµ‡, ഇങàµà´™à´¨àµ† ദോഷം ചെയàµà´¯à´°àµà´¤àµ‡; à´ˆ ആൾ à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† വീടàµà´Ÿà´¿àµ½ വനàµà´¨à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•à´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ à´ˆ വഷളതàµà´µà´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´µàµ¼à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•àµà´•à´°àµà´¤àµ‡.
Judges 15:1
After a while, in the time of wheat harvest, it happened that Samson visited his wife with a young goat. And he said, "Let me go in to my wife, into her room." But her father would not permit him to go in.
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Isaiah 30:29
You shall have a song As in the night when a holy festival is kept, And gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute, To come into the mountain of the LORD, To the Mighty One of Israel.
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Exodus 28:43
They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they come into the tabernacle of meeting, or when they come near the altar to minister in the holy place, that they do not incur iniquity and die. It shall be a statute forever to him and his descendants after him.
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Matthew 13:47
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind,
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Deuteronomy 9:9
When I went up into the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the LORD made with you, then I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights. I neither ate bread nor drank water.
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