English Meaning
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of receive.
Examples | ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ
The below examples are taken from The Holy Bible.
James 5:7
Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.
à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¾àµ½ സഹോദരനàµà´®à´¾à´°àµ‡, കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µà´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´°à´¤àµà´¯à´•àµà´·à´¤à´µà´°àµ† ദീർഘകàµà´·à´®à´¯àµ‹à´Ÿà´¿à´°à´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¿àµ» ; കൃഷികàµà´•à´¾à´°àµ» à´àµ‚മിയàµà´Ÿàµ† വിലയേറിയ ഫലതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ കാതàµà´¤àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ à´®àµà´¨àµà´®à´´à´¯àµà´‚ പിനàµà´®à´´à´¯àµà´‚ അതിനàµà´¨àµ à´•à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµà´µàµ‹à´³à´‚ ദീർഘകàµà´·à´®à´¯àµ‹à´Ÿà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµà´µà´²àµà´²àµ‹.
Hebrews 6:7
For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God;
പലപàµà´ªàµ‹à´´àµà´‚ പെയàµà´¤ മഴ à´•àµà´Ÿà´¿à´šàµà´šà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ à´àµ‚മി കൃഷി ചെയàµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ ഹിതമായ സസàµà´¯à´¾à´¦à´¿à´•à´³àµ† വിളയികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½ ദൈവതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´…à´¨àµà´—àµà´°à´¹à´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Luke 11:10
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
യാചികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ à´²à´à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´…à´¨àµà´µàµ‡à´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´•à´£àµà´Ÿàµ†à´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´®àµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´¤àµà´±à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ഞാൻ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ പറയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
John 4:36
And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
നിങàµà´™àµ¾ à´…à´¦àµà´§àµà´µà´¾à´¨à´¿à´šàµà´šà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ കൊയàµâ€à´µà´¾àµ» ഞാൻ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ† അയചàµà´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; മറàµà´±àµà´³àµà´³à´µàµ¼ à´…à´¦àµà´§àµà´µà´¾à´¨à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ; അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† à´…à´¦àµà´§àµà´µà´¾à´¨à´«à´²à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ നിങàµà´™àµ¾ à´ªàµà´°à´µàµ‡à´¶à´¿à´šàµà´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Luke 9:48
and said to them, "Whoever receives this little child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me. For he who is least among you all will be great."
à´ˆ ശിശàµà´µà´¿à´¨àµ† à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† നാമതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ ആരെങàµà´•à´¿à´²àµà´‚ കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿà´¾àµ½ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ‹ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† അയചàµà´šà´µà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; നിങàµà´™à´³àµ†à´²àµà´²à´¾à´µà´°à´¿à´²àµà´‚ ചെറിയവനായവൻ à´…à´¤àµà´°àµ‡ വലിയവൻ ആകàµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ അവരോടൠപറഞàµà´žàµ.
Revelation 14:9
Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
മൂനàµà´¨à´¾à´®à´¤àµ വേറൊരൠദൂതൻ അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† പിനàµà´¨à´¾à´²àµ† വനàµà´¨àµ à´…à´¤àµà´¯àµà´šàµà´šà´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ പറഞàµà´žà´¤àµ: മൃഗതàµà´¤àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´°à´¤à´¿à´®à´¯àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ നമസàµà´•à´°à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ നെറàµà´±à´¿à´¯à´¿à´²àµ‹ കൈമേലോ à´®àµà´¦àµà´° à´à´²à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ»
Hebrews 7:8
Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives.
ഇവിടെ മരികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ മനàµà´·àµà´¯àµ¼ ദശാംശം വാങàµà´™àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; അവിടെയോ ജീവികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨ സാകàµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šà´µàµ» തനàµà´¨àµ‡.
Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."
അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† ദണàµà´¡à´¨à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´• à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ പൊങàµà´™àµà´‚; മൃഗതàµà´¤àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´°à´¤à´¿à´®à´¯àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ നമസàµà´•à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ അതിനàµà´±àµ† പേരിനàµà´±àµ† à´®àµà´¦àµà´° à´à´²à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ രാവàµà´‚ പകലàµà´‚ ഒരൠസàµà´µà´¸àµà´¥à´¤à´¯àµà´‚ ഉണàµà´Ÿà´¾à´•à´¯à´¿à´²àµà´².
Hebrews 7:9
Even Levi, who receives tithes, paid tithes through Abraham, so to speak,
ദശാംശം വാങàµà´™àµà´¨àµà´¨ ലേവിയàµà´‚ à´…à´¬àµà´°à´¾à´¹à´¾à´‚à´®àµà´–ാനàµà´¤à´°à´‚ ദശാംശം കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµàµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ഒരൠവിധതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ പറയാം.
Matthew 7:8
For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
യാചികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ à´²à´à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´…à´¨àµà´µàµ‡à´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´•à´£àµà´Ÿàµ†à´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´®àµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´¤àµà´±à´•àµà´•àµà´‚.
Proverbs 29:4
The king establishes the land by justice, But he who receives bribes overthrows it.
രാജാവൠനàµà´¯à´¾à´¯à´ªà´¾à´²à´¨à´¤àµà´¤à´¾àµ½ രാജàµà´¯à´¤àµà´¤àµ† നിലനിർതàµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; നികàµà´¤à´¿ വർദàµà´§à´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ‹ അതിനെ നശിപàµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Mark 9:37
"Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me."
ഇങàµà´™à´¨àµ†à´¯àµà´³àµà´³ ശിശàµà´•àµà´•à´³à´¿àµ½ à´’à´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´¨àµ† à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† നാമതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ‹ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ†à´¯à´²àµà´² à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† അയചàµà´šà´µà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പറഞàµà´žàµ.
John 3:32
And what He has seen and heard, that He testifies; and no one receives His testimony.
അവനàµà´±àµ† സാകàµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ ആരàµà´‚ കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´²àµà´².
Matthew 10:40
"He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.
നിങàµà´™à´³àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† അയചàµà´šà´µà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Proverbs 21:11
When the scoffer is punished, the simple is made wise; But when the wise is instructed, he receives knowledge.
പരിഹാസിയെ ശികàµà´·à´¿à´šàµà´šà´¾àµ½ à´…à´²àµà´ªà´¬àµà´¦àµà´§à´¿ à´œàµà´žà´¾à´¨à´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯àµà´¤àµ€à´°àµà´‚; à´œàµà´žà´¾à´¨à´¿à´¯àµ† ഉപദേശിചàµà´šà´¾àµ½ അവൻ പരിജàµà´žà´¾à´¨à´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´‚.
Numbers 35:8
And the cities which you will give shall be from the possession of the children of Israel; from the larger tribe you shall give many, from the smaller you shall give few. Each shall give some of its cities to the Levites, in proportion to the inheritance that each receives."
യിസàµà´°à´¾à´¯àµ‡àµ½à´®à´•àµà´•à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† അവകാശതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½à´¨à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ ജനമേറിയവർ à´à´±àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ ജനം à´•àµà´±à´žàµà´žà´µàµ¼ à´•àµà´±àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ പടàµà´Ÿà´£à´™àµà´™àµ¾ കൊടàµà´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´‚; ഔരോ ഗോതàµà´°à´‚ തനികàµà´•àµ à´²à´à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ അവകാശതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ à´’à´¤àµà´¤à´µà´£àµà´£à´‚ ലേവàµà´¯àµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ പടàµà´Ÿà´£à´™àµà´™à´³àµ† കൊടàµà´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´‚.
Revelation 2:17
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it."'
ആതàµà´®à´¾à´µàµ à´¸à´à´•à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ പറയàµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¤àµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµ ചെവിയàµà´³àµà´³à´µàµ» കേൾകàµà´•à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ†. ജയികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ ഞാൻ മറഞàµà´žà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ മനàµà´¨ കൊടàµà´•àµà´•àµà´‚; ഞാൻ അവനàµà´¨àµ വെളàµà´³à´•àµà´•à´²àµà´²àµà´‚, à´²à´à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨à´²àµà´²à´¾à´¤àµ† ആരàµà´‚ അറിയാതàµà´¤à´¤àµà´‚ à´† à´•à´²àµà´²à´¿à´¨àµà´®àµ‡àµ½ à´Žà´´àµà´¤à´¿à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµà´®à´¾à´¯ à´ªàµà´¤à´¿à´¯ പേരàµà´‚ കൊടàµà´•àµà´•àµà´‚.
Leviticus 13:24
"Or if the body receives a burn on its skin by fire, and the raw flesh of the burn becomes a bright spot, reddish-white or white,
à´…à´²àµà´²àµ†à´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½ ദേഹതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´¤àµà´µà´•àµà´•à´¿àµ½ തീപàµà´ªàµŠà´³àµà´³àµ½ ഉണàµà´Ÿà´¾à´¯à´¿ പൊളàµà´³à´²à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† വടൠചàµà´µà´ªàµà´ªàµ‹à´Ÿàµà´•àµ‚à´Ÿà´¿ വെളàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ‹ വെളàµà´¤àµà´¤ തനàµà´¨àµ‡à´¯àµ‹ ഇരികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´ªàµà´³àµà´³à´¿ ആയി തീർനàµà´¨à´¾àµ½
Hebrews 12:6
For whom the LORD loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives."
കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ താൻ à´¸àµà´¨àµ‡à´¹à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ† ശികàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; താൻ കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´à´¤àµ മകനെയàµà´‚ തലàµà´²àµà´¨àµà´¨àµâ€ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´™àµà´™à´¨àµ† മകàµà´•à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´ªàµ‹à´²àµ† നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ സംവാദികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´ªàµà´°à´¬àµ‹à´§à´¨à´‚ നിങàµà´™àµ¾ മറനàµà´¨àµà´•à´³à´žàµà´žàµà´µàµ‹?
John 7:23
If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath?
മോശെയàµà´Ÿàµ† à´¨àµà´¯à´¾à´¯à´ªàµà´°à´®à´¾à´£à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ നീകàµà´•à´‚ വരാതിരിപàµà´ªà´¾àµ» ശബàµà´¬à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´²àµà´‚ മനàµà´·àµà´¯àµ» പരിചàµà´›àµ‡à´¦à´¨ à´à´²à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´™àµà´•à´¿àµ½ ഞാൻ ശബàµà´¬à´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ ഒരൠമനàµà´·àµà´¯à´¨àµ† à´®àµà´´àµà´µà´¨àµà´‚ സൌഖàµà´¯à´®à´¾à´•àµà´•à´¿à´¯à´¤à´¿à´¨à´¾àµ½ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ ഈർഷàµà´¯à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¨àµà´¨àµà´µàµ‹?
Matthew 18:5
Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
ഇങàµà´™à´¿à´¨àµ†à´¯àµà´³àµà´³ ശിശàµà´µà´¿à´¨àµ† à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† നാമതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ കൈകൊളàµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
John 13:20
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me."
ആമേൻ , ആമേൻ , ഞാൻ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ പറയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ: ഞാൻ അയകàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† അയചàµà´šà´µà´¨àµ† കൈകàµà´•àµŠà´³àµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Proverbs 15:5
A fool despises his father's instruction, But he who receives correction is prudent.
à´àµ‹à´·àµ» à´…à´ªàµà´ªà´¨àµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´°à´¬àµ‹à´§à´¨à´‚ നിരസികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; ശാസനയെ കൂടàµà´Ÿà´¾à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµ‹ വിവേകിയായàµà´¤àµ€à´°àµà´‚.
1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
ഔടàµà´Ÿà´•àµà´•à´³à´¤àµà´¤à´¿àµ½ ഔടàµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼ à´Žà´²àµà´²à´¾à´µà´°àµà´‚ ഔടàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´™àµà´•à´¿à´²àµà´‚ à´’à´°àµà´µà´¨àµ‡ വിരàµà´¤àµ à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµà´³àµà´³àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ അറിയàµà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´²àµà´²à´¯àµ‹? നിങàµà´™à´³àµà´‚ à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´ªà´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¾à´¨àµà´¤à´•àµà´•à´µà´£àµà´£à´‚ ഔടàµà´µà´¿àµ» .
Matthew 13:20
But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy;
പാറസàµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ വിതെകàµà´•à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¤àµ‹, à´’à´°àµà´¤àµà´¤àµ» വചനം കേടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ ഉടനെ സനàµà´¤àµ‹à´·à´¤àµà´¤àµ‹à´Ÿàµ† കൈകൊളàµà´³àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´™àµà´•à´¿à´²àµà´‚ വേരിലàµà´²à´¾à´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•à´¯à´¾àµ½ അവൻ à´•àµà´·à´£à´¿à´•à´¨à´¤àµà´°àµ‡.