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English Meaning

One of the Old World Quadrumana, of the genera Cynocephalus and Papio; the dog-faced ape. Baboons have dog- like muzzles and large canine teeth, cheek pouches, a short tail, and naked callosities on the buttocks. They are mostly African. See Mandrill, and Chacma, and Drill an ape.

  1. Any of several large terrestrial African and Asian monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae, especially of the genus Papio or Chaeropithecus and related genera, characterized by an elongated, doglike muzzle, a short tail, and bare calluses on the buttocks.
  2. Slang A brutish person; a boor.

Malayalam Meaning

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വിരൂപന്‍ - Viroopan‍

ആഫ്രിക്കന്‍ കുരങ്ങ്‌ - Aaphrikkan‍ Kurangu | aphrikkan‍ Kurangu

മന്ദബുദ്ധി - Mandhabuddhi | Mandhabudhi

വാലില്ലാക്കുരങ്ങ്‌ - Vaalillaakkurangu | Valillakkurangu

മണ്ടന്‍ - Mandan‍


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