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English Meaning

A large, arboreal, anthropoid ape of West Africa. It is larger than a man, and is remarkable for its massive skeleton and powerful muscles, which give it enormous strength. In some respects its anatomy, more than that of any other ape, except the chimpanzee, resembles that of man.

  1. The largest of the anthropoid apes (Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair.
  2. Slang A brutish man.
  3. Slang A thug.

Malayalam Meaning

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മഹാവാനരം - Mahaavaanaram | Mahavanaram

ആക്രമണോത്സുകനായ ഭീമകായന്‍ - Aakramanothsukanaaya Bheemakaayan‍ | akramanothsukanaya Bheemakayan‍

ഗറില്ല - Garilla

ആള്‍ക്കുരങ്ങ് - Aal‍kkurangu | al‍kkurangu

ആള്‍ക്കുരങ്ങ്‌ - Aal‍kkurangu | al‍kkurangu


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