English Meaning
To support or sustain; to hold up.
- To hold up; support.
- To carry from one place to another; transport.
- To carry in the mind; harbor: bear a grudge.
- To transmit at large; relate: bearing glad tidings.
- To have as a visible characteristic: bore a scar on the left arm.
- To have as a quality; exhibit: "A thousand different shapes it bears” ( Abraham Cowley).
- To carry (oneself) in a specified way; conduct: She bore herself with dignity.
- To be accountable for; assume: bearing heavy responsibilities.
- To have a tolerance for; endure: couldn't bear his lying.
- To call for; warrant: This case bears investigation.
- To give birth to: bore six children in five years.
- To produce; yield: plants bearing flowers.
- To offer; render: I will bear witness to the deed.
- To move by or as if by steady pressure; push: "boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past” ( F. Scott Fitzgerald).
- To yield fruit; produce: peach trees that bear every summer.
- To have relevance; apply: They studied the ways in which the relativity theory bears on the history of science.
- To exert pressure, force, or influence.
- To force oneself along; forge.
- To endure something with tolerance and patience: Bear with me while I explain matters.
- To extend or proceed in a specified direction: The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill.
- bear down To advance in a threatening manner: The ship bore down on our canoe.
- bear down To apply maximum effort and concentration: If you really bear down, you will finish the task.
- bear out To prove right or justified; confirm: The test results bear out our claims.
- bear up To withstand stress, difficulty, or attrition: The patient bore up well during the long illness.
- bear down on To effect in a harmful or adverse way: Financial pressures are bearing down on them.
- bear fruit To come to a satisfactory conclusion or to fruition.
- bear in mind To hold in one's mind; remember: Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads.
- Any of various usually omnivorous mammals of the family Ursidae that have a shaggy coat and a short tail and walk with the entire lower surface of the foot touching the ground.
- Any of various other animals, such as the koala, that resemble a true bear.
- A large, clumsy, or ill-mannered person.
- One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
- A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.
- Slang Something that is difficult or unpleasant: The final exam was a bear.
- Slang A highway patrol officer.
- Characterized by falling prices: a bear market.
ചായുക - Chaayuka | Chayuka
Examples | ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ
The below examples are taken from The Holy Bible.
1 Samuel 21:13
So he changed his behavior before them, pretended madness in their hands, scratched on the doors of the gate, and let his saliva fall down on his Beard.
അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† à´®àµà´®àµà´ªà´¾à´•àµ† തനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´°à´•àµƒà´¤à´¿ മാറàµà´±à´¿, അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† കൈകളിൽ ഇരികàµà´•àµ† à´¬àµà´¦àµà´§à´¿à´àµà´°à´®à´‚ നടിചàµà´šàµ വാതിലിനàµà´±àµ† കതകàµà´•à´³à´¿àµ½ വരെചàµà´šàµ താടിമേൽ à´¤àµà´ªàµà´ªàµ½ ഒലിപàµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šàµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿà´¿à´°àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and Bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
അതൠകൊണàµà´Ÿàµ കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ തനàµà´¨àµ‡ നിങàµà´™àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ ഒരൠഅടയാളം തരàµà´‚: à´•à´¨àµà´¯à´• ഗർà´à´¿à´£à´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯à´¿ ഒരൠമകനെ à´ªàµà´°à´¸à´µà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´‚; അവനàµà´¨àµ ഇാമàµà´®à´¨àµ‚വേൽ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പേർ വിളികàµà´•àµà´‚.
Genesis 4:13
And Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is greater than I can Bear!
കയീൻ യഹോവയോടàµ: à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† à´•àµà´±àµà´±à´‚ പൊറàµà´ªàµà´ªà´¾àµ» à´•à´´à´¿à´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµ†à´•àµà´•à´¾àµ¾ വലിയതാകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
John 5:32
There is another who Bears witness of Me, and I know that the witness which He witnesses of Me is true.
നിങàµà´™àµ¾ യോഹാനàµà´¨à´¾à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´…à´Ÿàµà´•àµà´•àµ½ ആളയചàµà´šàµ; അവൻ സതàµà´¯à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ സാകàµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ പറഞàµà´žà´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Mark 4:20
But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and Bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred."
നലàµà´²à´®à´£àµà´£à´¿àµ½ വിതെകàµà´•à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¤àµ‹ വചനം കേൾകàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ അംഗീകരികàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼ തനàµà´¨àµ‡; അവർ à´®àµà´ªàµà´ªà´¤àµà´‚ à´…à´±àµà´ªà´¤àµà´‚ നൂറàµà´‚ മേനി വിളയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
John 15:16
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and Bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
നിങàµà´™àµ¾ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† തിരഞàµà´žàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´²àµà´², ഞാൻ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ† തിരഞàµà´žàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ, നിങàµà´™àµ¾ പോയി ഫലം കായàµà´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ നിങàµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† ഫലം നിലനിൽകàµà´•àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‡ ആകàµà´•à´¿à´µàµ†à´šàµà´šàµà´®à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; നിങàµà´™àµ¾ à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† നാമതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ പിതാവിനോടൠഅപേകàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµŠà´•àµà´•àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ അവൻ നിങàµà´™àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ തരàµà´µà´¾à´¨à´¾à´¯à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ തനàµà´¨àµ‡.
Ezekiel 14:10
And they shall Bear their iniquity; the punishment of the prophet shall be the same as the punishment of the one who inquired,
യിസàµà´°à´¾à´¯àµ‡àµ½à´—ൃഹം ഇനിമേൽ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ† വിടàµà´Ÿàµ തെറàµà´±à´¿à´ªàµà´ªàµ‹à´•à´¯àµà´‚ സകലവിധ ലംഘനങàµà´™à´³àµà´‚കൊണàµà´Ÿàµ à´…à´¶àµà´¦àµà´§à´°à´¾à´¯à´¿à´¤àµà´¤àµ€à´°àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯à´¾à´¤àµ† അവർ എനികàµà´•àµ ജനവàµà´‚ ഞാൻ അവർകàµà´•àµà´‚ ദൈവവàµà´‚ ആയിരികàµà´•àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ
John 15:27
And you also will Bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
നിങàµà´™à´³àµà´‚ ആദിമàµà´¤àµ½ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´•àµ‚ടെ ഇരികàµà´•à´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ സാകàµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ പറവിൻ .
Numbers 30:15
But if he does make them void after he has heard them, then he shall Bear her guilt."
à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¾àµ½ കേടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ à´•àµà´±àµ† à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žà´¶àµ‡à´·à´‚ അവയെ à´¦àµàµ¼à´¬àµà´¬à´²à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¯à´¾àµ½ അവൻ അവളàµà´Ÿàµ† à´•àµà´±àµà´±à´‚ വഹികàµà´•àµà´‚.
Romans 8:16
The Spirit Himself Bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
നാം ദൈവതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† മകàµà´•àµ¾ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ആതàµà´®à´¾à´µàµà´¤à´¾à´¨àµà´‚ നമàµà´®àµà´Ÿàµ† ആതàµà´®à´¾à´µàµ‹à´Ÿàµà´•àµ‚ടെ സാകàµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ പറയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Romans 3:25
whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forBearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,
വിശàµà´µà´¸à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ അവൻ തനàµà´±àµ† à´°à´•àµà´¤à´‚മൂലം à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´¯à´¶àµà´šà´¿à´¤àµà´¤à´®à´¾à´•àµà´µà´¾àµ» ദൈവം അവനെ പരസàµà´¯à´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ നിറàµà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ. ദൈവം തനàµà´±àµ† പൊറàµà´®à´¯à´¿àµ½ à´®àµàµ» à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žà´ªà´¾à´ªà´™àµà´™à´³àµ† ശികàµà´·à´¿à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¤àµ† വിടàµà´•à´¨à´¿à´®à´¿à´¤àµà´¤à´‚ തനàµà´±àµ† നീതിയെ à´ªàµà´°à´¦àµ¼à´¶à´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¾àµ» ,
Ezekiel 5:1
"And you, son of man, take a sharp sword, take it as a barber's razor, and pass it over your head and your Beard; then take scales to weigh and divide the hair.
മനàµà´·àµà´¯à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¾, നീ മൂർചàµà´šà´¯àµà´³àµà´³àµ‹à´°àµ വാൾ à´Žà´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ à´•àµà´·àµŒà´°à´•àµà´•à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯à´¿ à´ªàµà´°à´¯àµ‹à´—à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ നിനàµà´±àµ† തലയàµà´‚ താടിയàµà´‚ à´•àµà´·àµŒà´°à´‚ചെയàµà´•; പിനàµà´¨àµ† à´¤àµà´²à´¾à´¸àµà´¸àµ à´Žà´Ÿàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ രോമം തൂകàµà´•à´¿ വിà´à´¾à´—à´¿à´•àµà´•.
Romans 13:4
For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not Bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.
നിനàµà´±àµ† നനàµà´®àµ†à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¯à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´²àµà´²àµ‹ അവൻ ദൈവശàµà´¶àµà´°àµ‚à´·à´•àµà´•à´¾à´°à´¨à´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ; നീ തിനàµà´® ചെയàµà´¤à´¾à´²àµ‹ à´à´¯à´ªàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´•; വെറàµà´¤àµ† à´…à´²àµà´² അവൻ വാൾ വഹികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ; അവൻ ദോഷം à´ªàµà´°à´µàµ¼à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´¨àµà´±àµ† ശികàµà´·àµ†à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¯à´¿ à´ªàµà´°à´¤à´¿à´•à´¾à´°à´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯ ദൈവശàµà´¶àµà´°àµ‚à´·à´•àµà´•à´¾à´°àµ» തനàµà´¨àµ‡.
Luke 8:15
But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and Bear fruit with patience.
നലàµà´² മണàµà´£à´¿à´²àµà´³àµà´³à´¤àµ‹ വചനം കേടàµà´Ÿàµ à´—àµà´£à´®àµà´³àµà´³ നലàµà´² ഹൃദയതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ സംഗàµà´°à´¹à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ à´•àµà´·à´®à´¯àµ‹à´Ÿàµ† ഫലം കൊടàµà´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µàµ¼ തനàµà´¨àµ‡.
John 16:12
"I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot Bear them now.
ഇനിയàµà´‚ വളരെ നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ പറവാൻ ഉണàµà´Ÿàµ; à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¾àµ½ നിങàµà´™àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ ഇപàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ വഹിപàµà´ªà´¾àµ» കഴിവിലàµà´².
Leviticus 21:5
"They shall not make any bald place on their heads, nor shall they shave the edges of their Beards nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
അവർ തലമàµà´Ÿà´¿ വടികàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ താടിയàµà´Ÿàµ† à´…à´±àµà´±à´‚ à´•à´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ശരീരതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ à´®àµà´±à´¿à´µàµà´£àµà´Ÿà´¾à´•àµà´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ à´…à´°àµà´¤àµ;
Genesis 17:17
Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, Bear a child?"
à´…à´ªàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ à´…à´¬àµà´°à´¾à´¹à´¾à´‚ കവിണàµà´£àµà´µàµ€à´£àµ à´šà´¿à´°à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ: നൂറൠവയസàµà´¸àµà´³àµà´³à´µà´¨àµà´¨àµ മകൻ ജനികàµà´•àµà´®àµ‹? തൊണàµà´£àµ‚റൠവയസàµà´¸àµà´³àµà´³ സാറാ à´ªàµà´°à´¸à´µà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´®àµ‹? à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ തനàµà´±àµ† ഹൃദയതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ പറഞàµà´žàµ.
Numbers 11:14
I am not able to Bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me.
à´à´•à´¨à´¾à´¯à´¿ à´ˆ സർവàµà´µà´œà´¨à´¤àµà´¤àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ വഹിപàµà´ªà´¾àµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ†à´•àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ à´•à´´à´¿à´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´²àµà´²; അതൠഎനികàµà´•àµ അതിà´à´¾à´°à´‚ ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
John 19:17
And He, Bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha,
അവർ യേശàµà´µà´¿à´¨àµ† à´•à´¯àµà´¯àµ‡à´±àµà´±àµ; അവൻ താൻ തനàµà´¨àµ‡ à´•àµà´°àµ‚ശിനെ à´šàµà´®à´¨àµà´¨àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ à´Žà´¬àµà´°à´¾à´¯à´à´¾à´·à´¯à´¿àµ½ ഗൊലàµà´—ൊഥാ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പേരàµà´³àµà´³ തലയോടിടം à´Žà´¨àµà´¨ à´¸àµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ പോയി.
Galatians 6:5
For each one shall Bear his own load.
ഔരോരàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ» താനàµà´¤à´¾à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´šàµà´®à´Ÿàµ à´šàµà´®à´•àµà´•àµà´®à´²àµà´²àµ‹.
Jeremiah 44:22
So the LORD could no longer Bear it, because of the evil of your doings and because of the abominations which you committed. Therefore your land is a desolation, an astonishment, a curse, and without an inhabitant, as it is this day.
നിങàµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† à´¦àµà´·àµà´ªàµà´°à´µàµƒà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´•àµ¾à´¨à´¿à´®à´¿à´¤àµà´¤à´µàµà´‚ നിങàµà´™àµ¾ à´ªàµà´°à´µàµ¼à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´šàµà´š à´®àµà´³àµ‡à´šàµà´›à´¤à´¨à´¿à´®à´¿à´¤àµà´¤à´µàµà´‚ യഹോവേകàµà´•àµ സഹിപàµà´ªà´¾àµ» വഹിയാതെയായി; à´…à´¤àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ നിങàµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† ദേശം ഇനàµà´¨àµ നിവാസികൾ ഇലàµà´²à´¾à´¤àµ† ശൂനàµà´¯à´µàµà´‚ à´¸àµà´¤à´‚à´à´¨à´¹àµ‡à´¤àµà´µàµà´‚ ശാപവിഷയവàµà´‚ ആയിതàµà´¤àµ€àµ¼à´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
1 Chronicles 11:39
Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite (the armorBearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah),
à´…à´®àµà´®àµ‹à´¨àµà´¯à´¨à´¾à´¯ സേലെകàµ, സെരൂയയàµà´Ÿàµ† മകനായ യോവാബിനàµà´±àµ† ആയàµà´§à´µà´¾à´¹à´•à´¨à´¾à´¯ ബെരോതàµà´¯àµ» നഹàµà´°à´¾à´¯à´¿,
Deuteronomy 5:20
"You shall not Bear false witness against your neighbor.
കൂടàµà´Ÿàµà´•à´¾à´°à´¨àµà´±àµ† നേരെ à´•à´³àµà´³à´¸àµà´¸à´¾à´•àµà´·àµà´¯à´‚ പറയരàµà´¤àµ.
Amos 5:19
It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a Bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him!
അതൠഒരàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ» സിംഹതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† à´®àµà´®àµà´ªà´¿àµ½à´¨à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ ഔടിപàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ à´•à´°à´Ÿà´¿ അവനàµà´¨àµ എതിർപàµà´ªàµ†à´Ÿàµà´•à´¯àµ‹ വീടàµà´Ÿà´¿àµ½ ചെനàµà´¨àµ കൈവെചàµà´šàµ à´šàµà´®à´°àµ‹à´Ÿàµ ചാരീടàµà´Ÿàµ സർപàµà´ªà´‚ അവനെ à´•à´Ÿà´¿à´•àµà´•à´¯àµ‹ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµà´ªàµ‹à´²àµ† ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Genesis 37:25
And they sat down to eat a meal. Then they lifted their eyes and looked, and there was a company of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead with their camels, Bearing spices, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry them down to Egypt.
അവർ à´à´•àµà´·à´£à´‚ à´•à´´à´¿à´ªàµà´ªà´¾àµ» ഇരàµà´¨àµà´¨à´ªàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ തലപൊകàµà´•à´¿ നോകàµà´•à´¿, ഗിലെയാദിൽനിനàµà´¨àµ സാംപàµà´°à´¾à´£à´¿à´¯àµà´‚ à´¸àµà´—à´¨àµà´§à´ªàµà´ªà´¶à´¯àµà´‚ സനàµà´¨à´¿à´¨à´¾à´¯à´•à´µàµà´‚ à´’à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´•à´ªàµà´ªàµà´±à´¤àµà´¤àµ കയറàµà´±à´¿ മിസàµà´°à´¯àµ€à´®à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ യിശàµà´®à´¾à´¯àµ‡à´²àµà´¯à´°àµà´Ÿàµ† ഒരൠയാതàµà´°à´•àµà´•àµ‚à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´‚ വരàµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤àµ à´•à´£àµà´Ÿàµ.