

Search Word | പദം തിരയുക



English Meaning

A cetacean of the genus Delphinus and allied genera (esp. D. delphis); the true dolphin.

  1. Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.
  2. A large marine food and game fish (Coryphaena hippurus) found worldwide in tropical waters, having an iridescent blue back, yellow sides, a steep blunt forehead, and a long continuous dorsal fin. Also called dolphinfish, dorado, mahi-mahi.
  3. A similar fish (C. equisetis) of smaller size, having silvery or pale yellow sides. Also called dolphinfish, pompano dolphin.
  4. A buoy, pile, or group of piles used for mooring boats.
  5. A group of piers used as a fender at a dock.

Malayalam Meaning

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പക്ഷിക്കൊക്കുപോലുളള മുഖവും ചെറിയ അരിപ്പല്ലുകളുമുളള ഡെല്‍ഫിനിഡേ വംശത്തില്‍പ്പെട്ട കടല്‍സസ്തനി - Pakshikkokkupolulala Mukhavum Cheriya Arippallukalumulala Del‍phinide Vamshaththil‍ppetta Kadal‍sasthani | Pakshikkokkupolulala Mukhavum Cheriya Arippallukalumulala Del‍phinide Vamshathil‍ppetta Kadal‍sasthani

പക്ഷിക്കൊക്കുപോലുള്ള മുഖവും ചെറിയ അരിപ്പല്ലുകളുമുള്ള ഡെല്‍ഫിനിഡേ വംശത്തില്‍പ്പെട്ട കടല്‍സസ്‌തനി - Pakshikkokkupolulla Mukhavum Cheriya Arippallukalumulla Del‍phinide Vamshaththil‍ppetta Kadal‍sasthani | Pakshikkokkupolulla Mukhavum Cheriya Arippallukalumulla Del‍phinide Vamshathil‍ppetta Kadal‍sasthani


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