English Meaning
Any one of several species of ruminants of the genus Ovis, native of the higher mountains of both hemispheres, but most numerous in Asia.
- Any of various usually horned ruminant mammals of the genus Ovis in the family Bovidae, especially the domesticated species O. aries, raised in many breeds for wool, edible flesh, or skin.
- Leather made from the skin of one of these animals.
- A person regarded as timid, weak, or submissive.
- One who is easily swayed or led.
Examples | ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ
The below examples are taken from The Holy Bible.
2 Samuel 13:23
And it came to pass, after two full years, that Absalom had Sheepshearers in Baal Hazor, which is near Ephraim; so Absalom invited all the king's sons.
à´°à´£àµà´Ÿàµ സംവതàµà´¸à´°à´‚ à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žà´¶àµ‡à´·à´‚ à´…à´¬àµà´¶à´¾à´²àµ‹à´®à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´«àµà´°à´¯àµ€à´®à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ സമിപതàµà´¤àµà´³àµà´³ ബാൽഹാസോരിൽ ആടàµà´•à´³àµ† രോമം à´•à´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ അടിയനàµà´¤à´°à´‚ ഉണàµà´Ÿà´¾à´¯à´¿à´°àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´…à´¬àµà´¶à´¾à´²àµ‹à´‚ രാജകàµà´®à´¾à´°à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµ†à´¯àµŠà´•àµà´•àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´•àµà´·à´£à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ.
John 21:17
He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My Sheep.
മൂനàµà´¨à´¾à´®à´¤àµà´‚ അവനോടàµ: യോഹനàµà´¨à´¾à´¨àµà´±àµ† മകനായ ശിമോനേ, നിനകàµà´•àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´ªàµà´°à´¿à´¯à´®àµà´£àµà´Ÿàµ‹ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ചോദിചàµà´šàµ. à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´ªàµà´°à´¿à´¯à´®àµà´£àµà´Ÿàµ‹ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ മൂനàµà´¨à´¾à´®à´¤àµà´‚ ചോദികàµà´•à´¯à´¾àµ½ പതàµà´°àµŠà´¸àµ à´¦àµà´ƒà´–à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ: കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ‡, നീ സകലവàµà´‚ അറിയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; എനികàµà´•àµ നിനàµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµ à´ªàµà´°à´¿à´¯à´®àµà´£àµà´Ÿàµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ നീ അറിയàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ അവനോടൠപറഞàµà´žàµ. യേശൠഅവനോടàµ: à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† ആടàµà´•à´³àµ† മേയàµà´•àµà´•.
2 Chronicles 15:11
And they offered to the LORD at that time seven hundred bulls and seven thousand Sheep from the spoil they had brought.
തങàµà´™àµ¾ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´µà´¨àµà´¨ കൊളàµà´³à´¯à´¿àµ½à´¨à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ അവർ à´Žà´´àµà´¨àµ‚റൠകാളയെയàµà´‚ à´à´´à´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´‚ ആടിനെയàµà´‚ à´…à´¨àµà´¨àµ യഹോവേകàµà´•àµ യാഗം à´•à´´à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ.
Zechariah 13:7
"Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, Against the Man who is My Companion," Says the LORD of hosts. "Strike the Shepherd, And the Sheep will be scattered; Then I will turn My hand against the little ones.
വാളേ, à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† ഇടയനàµà´±àµ† നേരെയàµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† കൂടàµà´Ÿà´¾à´³à´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯ à´ªàµà´°àµà´·à´¨àµà´±àµ† നേരെയàµà´‚ ഉണരàµà´• à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ സൈനàµà´¯à´™àµà´™à´³àµà´Ÿàµ† യഹോവയàµà´Ÿàµ† à´…à´°àµà´³à´ªàµà´ªà´¾à´Ÿàµ; ആടàµà´•àµ¾ ചിതറിപàµà´ªàµ‹à´•àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ ഇടയനെ വെടàµà´Ÿàµà´•; ഞാൻ ചെറിയവരàµà´Ÿàµ† നേരെ കൈ തിരികàµà´•àµà´‚.
John 2:14
And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and Sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business.
ദൈവാലയതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ കാള, ആടàµ, à´ªàµà´°à´¾à´µàµ, à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´µà´¯àµ† വിലകàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´°àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ അവിടെ ഇരികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ പൊൻ വാണിà´à´•àµà´•à´¾à´°àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´•à´£àµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ കയറàµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ ഒരൠചമàµà´®à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿ ഉണàµà´Ÿà´¾à´•àµà´•à´¿ ആടàµà´®à´¾à´Ÿàµà´•à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´‚ കൂടെ à´Žà´²àµà´²à´¾à´µà´°àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ ദൈവാലയതàµà´¤à´¿àµ½ നിനàµà´¨àµ à´ªàµà´±à´¤àµà´¤à´¾à´•àµà´•à´¿. പൊൻ വാണിà´à´•àµà´•à´¾à´°àµà´Ÿàµ† നാണàµà´¯à´‚ തൂകികàµà´•à´³à´žàµà´žàµ മേശകളെ മറിചàµà´šà´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ;
Song of Solomon 6:6
Your teeth are like a flock of Sheep Which have come up from the washing; Every one bears twins, And none is barren among them.
നിനàµà´±àµ† പലàµà´²àµ à´•àµà´³à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ കയറിവരàµà´¨àµà´¨ ആടàµà´•à´³àµ†à´ªàµà´ªàµ‹à´²àµ†à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; അവയിൽ à´’à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ മചàµà´šà´¿à´¯à´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•à´¾à´¤àµ† à´Žà´²àµà´²à´¾à´‚ ഇരടàµà´Ÿ à´ªàµà´°à´¸à´µà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Nehemiah 12:39
and above the Gate of Ephraim, above the Old Gate, above the Fish Gate, the Tower of Hananel, the Tower of the Hundred, as far as the Sheep Gate; and they stopped by the Gate of the Prison.
à´…à´™àµà´™à´¨àµ† à´¸àµà´¤àµ‹à´¤àµà´°à´—ാനകàµà´•à´¾à´°àµà´Ÿàµ† കൂടàµà´Ÿà´‚ à´°à´£àµà´Ÿàµà´‚ ഞാനàµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´•àµ‚ടെയàµà´³àµà´³ à´ªàµà´°à´®à´¾à´£à´¿à´•à´³à´¿àµ½ പാതിപേരàµà´‚ നിനàµà´¨àµ.
Joshua 7:24
Then Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, the silver, the garment, the wedge of gold, his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his Sheep, his tent, and all that he had, and they brought them to the Valley of Achor.
à´…à´ªàµà´ªàµ‹àµ¾ യോശàµà´µà´¯àµà´‚ à´Žà´²àµà´²à´¾à´¯à´¿à´¸àµà´°à´¾à´¯àµ‡à´²àµà´‚കൂടെ സേരെഹിനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¨à´¾à´¯ ആഖാനെ വെളàµà´³à´¿, മേലങàµà´•à´¿, പൊൻ à´•à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿, അവനàµà´±àµ† à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¨àµà´®à´¾àµ¼, à´ªàµà´¤àµà´°à´¿à´®à´¾àµ¼, അവനàµà´±àµ† കാള, à´•à´´àµà´¤, ആടàµ, കൂടാരം ഇങàµà´™à´¨àµ† അവനàµà´¨àµà´³àµà´³ സകലവàµà´®à´¾à´¯à´¿ ആഖോർതാഴàµà´µà´°à´¯à´¿àµ½ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´¿:
Nehemiah 3:32
And between the upper room at the corner, as far as the Sheep Gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants made repairs.
കോണിങàµà´•à´²àµ† മാളികമàµà´±à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ ആടàµà´Ÿàµà´µà´¾à´¤à´¿à´²à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ മദàµà´§àµà´¯àµ‡ തടàµà´Ÿà´¾à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµà´‚ à´•à´šàµà´šà´µà´Ÿà´•àµà´•à´¾à´°àµà´‚ à´…à´±àµà´±à´•àµà´±àµà´±à´‚ തിർതàµà´¤àµ.
Deuteronomy 14:26
And you shall spend that money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen or Sheep, for wine or similar drink, for whatever your heart desires; you shall eat there before the LORD your God, and you shall rejoice, you and your household.
നിനàµà´±àµ† ഇഷàµà´Ÿà´‚പോലെ മാടോ ആടോ വീഞàµà´žàµ‹ മദàµà´¯à´®àµ‹ ഇങàµà´™à´¨àµ† നീ ആഗàµà´°à´¹à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ à´à´¤à´¿à´¨àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´† പണം കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ വാങàµà´™à´¿ നിനàµà´±àµ† ദൈവമായ യഹോവയàµà´Ÿàµ† സനàµà´¨à´¿à´§à´¿à´¯à´¿àµ½à´µàµ†à´šàµà´šàµ തിനàµà´¨àµ നീയàµà´‚ നിനàµà´±àµ† à´•àµà´Ÿàµà´‚ബവàµà´‚ സനàµà´¤àµ‹à´·à´¿à´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´‚.
1 Chronicles 5:21
Then they took away their livestock--fifty thousand of their camels, two hundred and fifty thousand of their Sheep, and two thousand of their donkeys--also one hundred thousand of their men;
അവൻ à´…à´®àµà´ªà´¤à´¿à´¨à´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´‚ à´’à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´•à´‚, à´°à´£àµà´Ÿàµà´²à´•àµà´·à´¤àµà´¤à´®àµà´ªà´¤à´¿à´¨à´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´‚ ആടàµ, à´°à´£àµà´Ÿà´¾à´¯à´¿à´°à´‚ à´•à´´àµà´¤ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´™àµà´™à´¨àµ† അവരàµà´Ÿàµ† à´•à´¨àµà´¨àµà´•à´¾à´²à´¿à´•à´³àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ ഒരൠലകàµà´·à´‚ ആളàµà´•à´³àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ പിടിചàµà´šàµ കെണàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´¿.
Genesis 29:6
So he said to them, "Is he well?" And they said, "He is well. And look, his daughter Rachel is coming with the Sheep."
അവൻ അവരോടàµ: അവൻ à´¸àµà´–മായിരികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµà´µàµ‹ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ ചോദിചàµà´šàµ. à´¸àµà´–à´‚ തനàµà´¨àµ‡; അവനàµà´±àµ† മകൾ റാഹേൽ അതാ ആടàµà´•à´³àµ‹à´Ÿàµ കൂടെ വരàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ അവർ അവനോടൠപറഞàµà´žàµ.
2 Chronicles 29:33
The consecrated things were six hundred bulls and three thousand Sheep.
നിവേദിതവസàµà´¤àµà´•àµà´•à´³àµ‹ à´…à´±àµà´¨àµ‚റൠകാളയàµà´‚ മൂവായിരം ആടàµà´‚ ആയിരàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
1 Chronicles 21:17
And David said to God, "Was it not I who commanded the people to be numbered? I am the one who has sinned and done evil indeed; but these Sheep, what have they done? Let Your hand, I pray, O LORD my God, be against me and my father's house, but not against Your people that they should be plagued."
ദാവീദൠദൈവതàµà´¤àµ‹à´Ÿàµ: ജനതàµà´¤àµ† à´Žà´£àµà´£àµà´µà´¾àµ» പറഞàµà´žà´µàµ» ഞാനലàµà´²à´¯àµ‹? ദോഷം ചെയàµà´¤ പാപി ഞാൻ ആകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; à´ˆ ആടàµà´•àµ¾ à´Žà´¨àµà´¤àµ ചെയàµà´¤à´¿à´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ? യഹോവേ, à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† ദൈവമേ, നിനàµà´±àµ† കൈ ബാധകàµà´•à´¾à´¯à´¿à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ നിനàµà´±àµ† ജനതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´®àµ‡àµ½ à´…à´²àµà´², à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ†à´®àµ‡à´²àµà´‚ à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† പിതൃà´à´µà´¨à´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´®àµ‡à´²àµà´‚ ഇരികàµà´•à´Ÿàµà´Ÿàµ† à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ പറഞàµà´žàµ.
2 Chronicles 18:2
After some years he went down to visit Ahab in Samaria; and Ahab killed Sheep and oxen in abundance for him and the people who were with him, and persuaded him to go up with him to Ramoth Gilead.
à´šà´¿à´² സംവതàµà´¸à´°à´‚ à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žà´¶àµ‡à´·à´‚ അവൻ ശമർയàµà´¯à´¯à´¿àµ½ ആഹാബിനàµà´±àµ† à´…à´Ÿàµà´•àµà´•àµ½ ചെനàµà´¨àµ; ആഹാബൠഅവനàµà´¨àµà´‚ കൂടെയàµà´£àµà´Ÿà´¾à´¯à´¿à´°àµà´¨àµà´¨ ജനതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµà´‚ വേണàµà´Ÿà´¿ വളരെ ആടàµà´•à´³àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ കാളകളെയàµà´‚ à´…à´±àµà´¤àµà´¤àµ; ഗിലെയാദിലെ രാമോതàµà´¤à´¿à´²àµ‡à´•àµà´•àµ തനàµà´¨àµ‹à´Ÿàµà´•àµ‚ടെ ചെലàµà´²àµ‡à´£àµà´Ÿà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ അവനെ വശീകരിചàµà´šàµ.
Genesis 29:3
Now all the flocks would be gathered there; and they would roll the stone from the well's mouth, water the Sheep, and put the stone back in its place on the well's mouth.
à´† à´¸àµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ കൂടàµà´Ÿà´™àµà´™àµ¾ à´’à´•àµà´•àµ† കൂടàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ അവർ കിണറàµà´±à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† വായàµà´•àµà´•àµ½à´¨à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ à´•à´²àµà´²àµ ഉരàµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿ ആടàµà´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ വെളàµà´³à´‚ കൊടàµà´•àµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ à´•à´²àµà´²àµ കിണറàµà´±à´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† വായകàµà´•àµàµ½ അതിനàµà´±àµ† à´¸àµà´¥à´²à´¤àµà´¤àµ തനàµà´¨àµ‡ തിരികെ വെകàµà´•à´¯àµà´‚ ചെയàµà´¯àµà´‚.
Genesis 29:7
Then he said, "Look, it is still high day; it is not time for the cattle to be gathered together. Water the Sheep, and go and feed them."
പകൽ ഇനിയàµà´‚ വളരെയàµà´£àµà´Ÿà´²àµà´²àµ‹; കൂടàµà´Ÿà´‚ à´’à´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ കൂടàµà´¨àµà´¨ നേരമായിടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´²àµà´²; ആടàµà´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ വെളàµà´³à´‚ കൊടàµà´¤àµà´¤àµ കൊണàµà´Ÿàµà´ªàµ‹à´¯à´¿ തീറàµà´±àµà´µà´¿àµ» à´Žà´¨àµà´¨àµ അവൻ പറഞàµà´žà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ
Matthew 26:31
Then Jesus said to them, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: "I will strike the Shepherd, And the Sheep of the flock will be scattered.'
à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¾àµ½ ഞാൻ ഉയിർതàµà´¤àµ†à´´àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´±àµà´±à´¶àµ‡à´·à´‚ നിങàµà´™àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµ à´®àµà´®àµà´ªà´¾à´¯à´¿ ഗലീലെകàµà´•àµ പോകàµà´‚.
Ezekiel 34:20
"Therefore thus says the Lord GOD to them: "Behold, I Myself will judge between the fat and the lean Sheep.
à´…à´¤àµà´•àµŠà´£àµà´Ÿàµ യഹോവയായ കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ അവയോടൠഇപàµà´°à´•à´¾à´°à´‚ à´…à´°àµà´³à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ†à´¯àµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ: ഞാൻ തനàµà´¨àµ‡ തടിചàµà´š ആടàµà´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ മെലിഞàµà´ž ആടàµà´•àµ¾à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ മദàµà´§àµà´¯àµ‡ à´¨àµà´¯à´¾à´¯à´‚ വിധികàµà´•àµà´‚.
1 Samuel 25:4
When David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his Sheep,
നാബാലിനàµà´¨àµ ആടàµà´•à´³àµ† രോമം à´•à´¤àµà´°à´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨ അടിയനàµà´¤à´°à´‚ ഉണàµà´Ÿàµ†à´¨àµà´¨àµ ദാവീദൠമരàµà´àµ‚മിയിൽ കേടàµà´Ÿàµ.
Amos 1:1
The words of Amos, who was among the Sheepbreeders of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake.
തെകàµà´•àµ‹à´µà´¯à´¿à´²àµ† ഇടയനàµà´®à´¾à´°à´¿àµ½ à´’à´°àµà´¤àµà´¤à´¨à´¾à´¯ ആമോസൠയെഹൂദാരാജാവായ ഉസàµà´¸àµ€à´¯à´¾à´µà´¿à´¨àµà´±àµ† കാലതàµà´¤àµà´‚ യിസàµà´°à´¾à´¯àµ‡àµ½à´°à´¾à´œà´¾à´µà´¾à´¯ യോവാശിനàµà´±àµ† മകനായ യൊരോബെയാമിനàµà´±àµ† കാലതàµà´¤àµà´‚ à´àµ‚à´•à´®àµà´ªà´¤àµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´¨àµ à´°à´£àµà´Ÿàµ സംവതàµà´¸à´°à´‚ à´®àµà´®àµà´ªàµ† യിസàµà´°à´¾à´¯àµ‡à´²à´¿à´¨àµ†à´•àµà´•àµà´±à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ ദർശിചàµà´š വചനങàµà´™àµ¾.
1 Samuel 15:3
Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and Sheep, camel and donkey."'
ആകയാൽ നീ ചെനàµà´¨àµ അമാലേകàµà´¯à´°àµ† തോലàµà´ªà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ അവർകàµà´•àµà´‚à´³àµà´³à´¤àµŠà´•àµà´•àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ നിർമàµà´®àµ‚ലമാകàµà´•à´¿à´•àµà´•à´³à´•; അവരോടൠകനിവൠതോനàµà´¨à´°àµà´¤àµ; à´ªàµà´°àµà´·à´¨àµà´®à´¾à´°àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´¸àµà´¤àµà´°àµ€à´•à´³àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´•àµà´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´¿à´•à´³àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ à´®àµà´²à´•àµà´Ÿà´¿à´•àµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨à´µà´°àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ കാള, ആടàµ, à´’à´Ÿàµà´Ÿà´•à´‚, à´•à´´àµà´¤ à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¿à´µà´¯àµ†à´¯àµà´‚ സംഹരിചàµà´šàµà´•à´³à´•.
Ezekiel 34:17
"And as for you, O My flock, thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, I shall judge between Sheep and Sheep, between rams and goats.
നിങàµà´™à´³àµ‹, à´Žà´¨àµà´±àµ† ആടàµà´•à´³àµ‡, യഹോവയായ കർതàµà´¤à´¾à´µàµ ഇപàµà´°à´•à´¾à´°à´‚ à´…à´°àµà´³à´¿à´šàµà´šàµ†à´¯àµà´¯àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ: ഞാൻ ആടിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ ആടിനàµà´¨àµà´‚ മദàµà´§àµà´¯àµ‡à´¯àµà´‚ ആടàµà´Ÿàµà´•àµŠà´±àµà´±à´¨àµà´®à´¾àµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ കോലാടàµà´Ÿàµà´•àµŠà´±àµà´±à´¨àµà´®à´¾àµ¼à´•àµà´•àµà´‚ മദàµà´§àµà´¯àµ‡à´¯àµà´‚ à´¨àµà´¯à´¾à´¯à´‚ വിധികàµà´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Genesis 4:2
Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of Sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
പിനàµà´¨àµ† അവൾ അവനàµà´±àµ† à´…à´¨àµà´œà´¨à´¾à´¯ ഹാബെലിനെ à´ªàµà´°à´¸à´µà´¿à´šàµà´šàµ. ഹാബെൽ ആടàµà´Ÿà´¿à´Ÿà´¯à´¨àµà´‚ കയീൻ കൃഷികàµà´•à´¾à´°à´¨àµà´‚ ആയിതàµà´¤àµ€àµ¼à´¨àµà´¨àµ.
Numbers 18:17
But the firstborn of a cow, the firstborn of a Sheep, or the firstborn of a goat you shall not redeem; they are holy. You shall sprinkle their blood on the altar, and burn their fat as an offering made by fire for a sweet aroma to the LORD.
à´Žà´¨àµà´¨à´¾àµ½ പശàµ, ആടàµ, കോലാടൠഎനàµà´¨à´¿à´µà´¯àµà´Ÿàµ† à´•à´Ÿà´¿à´žàµà´žàµ‚ലിനെ വീണàµà´Ÿàµ†à´Ÿàµà´•àµà´•à´°àµà´¤àµ; à´…à´µ വിശàµà´¦àµà´§à´®à´¾à´•àµà´¨àµà´¨àµ; അവയàµà´Ÿàµ† à´°à´•àµà´¤à´‚ യാഗപീഠതàµà´¤à´¿à´¨àµà´®àµ‡àµ½ തളിചàµà´šàµ മേദസàµà´¸àµ യഹോവേകàµà´•àµ സൌരà´àµà´¯à´µà´¾à´¸à´¨à´¯à´¾à´¯ ദഹനയാഗമായി ദഹിപàµà´ªà´¿à´•àµà´•àµ‡à´£à´‚.