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English Meaning

Any one of numerous species of Urodela, belonging to Salamandra, Amblystoma, Plethodon, and various allied genera, especially those that are more or less terrestrial in their habits.

  1. Any of various small lizardlike amphibians of the order Caudata, having porous scaleless skin and four, often weak or rudimentary legs.
  2. A mythical creature, generally resembling a lizard, believed capable of living in or withstanding fire.
  3. In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being having fire as its element.
  4. An object, such as a poker, used in fire or capable of withstanding heat.
  5. Metallurgy A mass of solidified material, largely metallic, left in a blast-furnace hearth.
  6. A portable stove used to heat or dry buildings under construction.

Malayalam Meaning

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ഒരു തരം സാങ്കല്‌പിക ജന്തു - Oru Tharam Saankalpika Janthu | Oru Tharam Sankalpika Janthu

അത്യുഷണം സഹിക്കാന്‍ കഴിവുള്ളവന്‍ - Athyushanam Sahikkaan‍ Kazhivullavan‍ | Athyushanam Sahikkan‍ Kazhivullavan‍

അരണ - Arana

ഒരു സാങ്കല്‍പിക ജന്തു - Oru Saankal‍pika Janthu | Oru Sankal‍pika Janthu

ഭടന്‍ - Bhadan‍

കലഹപ്രിയനായ - Kalahapriyanaaya | Kalahapriyanaya

തീ കുത്തിയിളക്കുന്ന വലിയ ഇരുമ്പുകമ്പി - Thee Kuththiyilakkunna Valiya Irumpukampi | Thee Kuthiyilakkunna Valiya Irumpukampi


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