

Search Word | പദം തിരയുക



English Meaning

The act of interjecting or throwing between; also, that which is interjected.

  1. A sudden, short utterance; an ejaculation.
  2. The part of speech that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone.
  3. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as Ugh! or Wow!

Malayalam Meaning

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ആശ്ചര്യവ്യാക്ഷേപകം - Aashcharyavyaakshepakam | ashcharyavyakshepakam

വ്യാക്ഷേപകം - Vyaakshepakam | Vyakshepakam

ഇടപെടൽ - Idapedal

ഉദ്ഗാരം - Udhgaaram | Udhgaram

ആശ്ചര്യചിഹ്നം - Aashcharyachihnam | ashcharyachihnam


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