

Search Word | പദം തിരയുക



English Meaning

The act of receiving; receipt; admission; as, the reception of food into the stomach; the reception of a letter; the reception of sensation or ideas; reception of evidence.

  1. The act or process of receiving or of being received.
  2. Football The act or an instance of catching a forward pass.
  3. A welcome, greeting, or acceptance: a friendly reception.
  4. A social function, especially one intended to provide a welcome or greeting: a wedding reception.
  5. Mental approval or acceptance: the reception of a new theory.
  6. Electronics Conversion of transmitted radio waves or electric signals into perceptible forms, such as sound or light, by means of antennas and electronic equipment.
  7. Electronics The condition or quality of the waves or signals so received.

Malayalam Meaning

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സ്വീകാരം - Sveekaaram | sweekaram

ആതിഥ്യോപകചാരം - Aathithyopakachaaram | athithyopakacharam

അംഗീകാരം - Amgeekaaram | Amgeekaram

സ്വാഗതം - Svaagatham | swagatham

സത്കാരം - Sathkaaram | Sathkaram

ഓഫീസുകളിലെ സന്ദര്‍ശകരെ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന ഇടം - Opheesukalile Sandhar‍shakare Sveekarikkunna Idam | Opheesukalile Sandhar‍shakare sweekarikkunna Idam

സ്വീകരണം - Sveekaranam | sweekaranam


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