

Search Word | പദം തിരയുക



English Meaning

The act of introducing, or bringing to notice.

  1. The act or process of introducing or the state of being introduced.
  2. A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.
  3. Something recently introduced; an innovation: "He loathed a fork; it is a modern introduction which has still scarcely reached common people” ( D.H. Lawrence).
  4. Something spoken, written, or otherwise presented in beginning or introducing something, especially:
  5. A preface, as to a book.
  6. Music A short preliminary passage in a larger movement or work.
  7. A basic introductory text or course of study.

Malayalam Meaning

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അവതാരിക - Avathaarika | Avatharika

ഉപോദ്‌ഘാതം - Upodhghaatham | Upodhghatham

പ്രവേശകം - Praveshakam

ഉപക്രമണം - Upakramanam

ആമുഖം - Aamukham | amukham

അവതരണം - Avatharanam

പരിചയപ്പെടുത്തല്‍ - Parichayappeduththal‍ | Parichayappeduthal‍

മുഖവുര - Mukhavura

പരിചയം - Parichayam


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